Welcome to the alternative for moodle site...it will help u when the moodle server is down...this site is updated with the latest moodle contents...this site is mainly intented for S7 computerscience students of SNGCE!

Ps : Any suggestions and complaints about this site can be mentioned in the Forms Section.

Please cooperate...feel free to complaint...So that i can make the necessary changes...

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-Hardware record Front pages uploaded

-Toc Notes uploaded

-Synchronised with moodle contents

-lab programs uploaded

-Assignment of TOC uploaded

-Java lab programs uploaded


Size : 0.002 Kb
Type : CPP
ct.zip ct.zip
Size : 0.204 Kb
Type : zip
css.rar css.rar
Size : 0.012 Kb
Type : rar
.net Interview Questions.docx .net Interview Questions.docx
Size : 0.052 Kb
Type : docx
Needed.zip Needed.zip
Size : 363.984 Kb
Type : zip
steganography_new.zip steganography_new.zip
Size : 1712.45 Kb
Type : zip
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